Alpha Environment
/Why is Tuition so successful ? It’s all to do with ‘the storage’ of what is learned in the memory.
That is why a noisy and disruptive classroom is a poor learning environment. The access to memory occurs more successfully towards an ‘alpha’ state (a slower mind rhythm).
Lighthouse Tuition has a very clear approach when creating a positive learning environment. This is why it is so successful. For we provide, strict rules of behaviour, in a small group : quietness so each child can focus fully on their tasks. This couples with very experienced, talented and caring teachers with interesting and innovative content.
In an ALPHA environment- students are calmed to focus on the task in front of them. Each child then works on their tasks set by their teacher.
A good example of accessing long term memory is simple as walking down the street. You meet someone from your past and ...cannot remember their name... after an embarrassed farewell you walk on. 100 metres down the street you cry out- “it was Joe Bloggs!” Your mind had been searching automatically for the name. Searching the long term memory in the right side of the brain.
During tuition there is no chatter, only background ‘Baroque’ (slow) music. This leads to improved understanding, learning, and importantly activation of long term memory.
This provide the structure for organising a coaching session. Positive attitude is encourages. Students are reminded of the benefits of staying positive, persistent and patient as they strive to achieve their potential.