Guideposts to success

Self  Image

Any child will achieve only the results that he or she realistically expects,  Parents should take advantage of every opportunity to raise a child’s level of expectation.  

Genuine praise and encouragement given liberally by a parent can often work miracles whilst sarcasm can destroy a child’s confidence and ruin many hours of study and application.  Master Coaching is always mindful of the importance of self image and actively promote this in classes.

Goals and Objectives

Children should aim for excellence in all their endeavours and to be continually moving towards the achievement of this goal.  In the pursuit of this ultimate goal many more attainable goals can be set and reached in the process.  (eg  "achieving in the top half of the class,  or, being promoted to the class above” etc.)


Homework is an important part of learning - often the ideas and concepts explained at school or at coaching are only fully mastered and understood by children after private revision in their own homes.  Every child should do some homework each night of the week.